8 early warning signs of breast cancer
Breast cancer is a serious condition that predominantly affects women. It can have several warning signs and symptoms, which can differ from person to person. A lot of times, there may also be no noticeable signs of the condition. However, to increase the chances of treating it successfully, early detection is crucial. So, one must be aware of some common warning signs that can indicate breast cancer. Here are 8 early warning signs to watch out for. 1. Lump in the breast Perhaps the most common early warning sign of breast cancer is noticing a lump in the breast. These lumps are usually painless, hard, and have uneven edges. This early warning sign is usually more common for invasive breast cancers, such as invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) and invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC). Apart from these, lumps in the breasts can also be early warning signs of metastatic breast cancer, papillary carcinoma, and, in rare cases, inflammatory breast cancer (IBC). It is important to note that not having lumps in the breast may not always indicate cancer. But either way, if one notices it, one must consult a medical professional at the earliest. 2. Change in shape of the breast(s) Any noticeable alterations in the size or shape of one or both breasts can be an important indicator of breast cancer.
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