Water Intake – Best Time to Drink and its Benefits
Drinking water is essential to keep body organs functioning at their optimum best. However, drinking too much or too little can affect the body in many ways. Dehydration can often affect cognitive functions, memory, and physical performance. Therefore, drinking water the right way at the right time is essential. Although most people know the importance of water, they don’t know the best time to drink it. So, let’s look at the best times to drink water daily. When you wake up Though most people reach for a cup of coffee, it is best to drink one or two cups of water as soon as you wake up. It helps you hydrate after 8 hours of no water and food, which typically causes slight dehydration. The water in the morning helps get your fluids back to baseline levels. When you sweat When you exercise or use a sauna, you naturally sweat and lose a lot of water. During such activities, it is ideal to drink not just water after your activity but also before and during your workout. Keep a one-liter bottle filled with flavored or regular water at all times. Sip between 6 and 12 ounces every 15 minutes when you are active.
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