9 menstrual mistakes to avoid for better health and hygiene
Menstrual health and hygiene is often an overlooked aspect of one’s overall health. As a result, there are several period mistakes that one may unconsciously commit, increasing the chances of infections and health disorders related to the reproductive system. Therefore, it is important to follow good hygiene practices to help one stay comfortable during periods without any potential health risks. Here are a few period mistakes to avoid for better health and hygiene. Using scented pads, tampons, or toilet paper Fragrant hygiene products contain several chemicals. Some of these even contain additives such as aloe. These additives can cause irritation and inflammation of the skin. Since the skin in and around the vagina is already sensitive, using scented pads, tampons, or toilet paper can cause discomfort. There can be persistent itching or burn-like symptoms. So avoid using fragrant, feminine hygiene products during periods. Make sure everything is fragrant and additive free. Organic products, menstrual cups, or reusable cloth pads are better alternatives. Changing tampons or pads infrequently To avoid rashes, bacterial growth, infections, and inflammation, it is important to change pads once every four hours. In the case of tampons or menstrual cups, a change is needed once every six to eight hours, depending on one’s period flow.
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