Eczema – Signs, Symptoms, and Home Remedies
Eczema is a generic term that refers to a group of skin conditions that cause irritation. These conditions can affect infants, children, and adults. Dry skin, redness, fluid-filled boils on the skin, severe itching, and rashes of various forms and shapes are typical characteristics of eczema. It is a chronic condition characterized by phases of flare-ups and remission. Managing this condition is important as it can cause discomfort and interfere with one’s routine. Early Warning Signs of Eczema The condition can affect anyone, but early signs of eczema can usually be seen in infancy. Infant boys and adolescent girls are more prone to the condition than others. Infants who develop such skin issues may get cured, and their symptoms may disappear as they age. However, the symptoms could return once they reach adulthood. When suffering from this condition, a person can experience drastic changes in the way their skin feels and looks like. In its early stages, eczema can cause the skin to look bumpy or raised. The skin may also look inflamed, and one’s eyelids may appear swollen. Flaking or peeling of skin is another warning sign that appears early in eczema patients. Irrespective of the early warning signs, eczema can have a long-lasting impact.
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